Charlie is very special to me. He's the first character I created when I was around 7! She had blue hair, was half wolf (of course) and had a very traumatic background story, blah blah. He was a Mary Sue. I remember I gave her a scar cause it looked cool. I drew her on animation memes, made some series on gacha life with my friends, drew him becoming .exe and shit. Eventually I gave him redesings, one after another. She was a human, then half wolf, then she had wings and was half-wolf half-demon half-angel half-.exe half-yourmom, then she was a furry, then he had another character than was a man and she was a woman, then I took the animal shit off of her and eventually she became an Hermaphrodite...Perhaps I'll show you one day.
I got a wholeeee world shaped around her, yet, he's nothing. Yes, I'm still trying to give him a story. It's half the way done anyway... I don't want to delete what makes him my original OC. Changing her name from "Wolfy" to "Charlie" was a good step on changing some obvious flaws within them. But I still want to keep the blue hair, the scar and the purple tones.
Anyways, enough special introduction. Charlie is a 36 Year old who lives in his home alone. His skin is pale since he doesn't go out muc, same reason to why she's always getting sick. She usually prefers calm enviroments and silence. His favorite color is purple! She's working with a profesional to treat her depresion and ptsd. Of course, his friends also try to help his mental health, visiting, making him go out... She also has Sound-color synesthesia. His favourite animal are cats, since he had one named "Whiskers" when he was living with his family, although he doesn't own any because he knows he's not well mentally, which he fears could bring some harm to the pet, since maybe he could not give enough attention to the animal.
During "The Great Animal War" (um..I'll write about this on the main world info..when i can) she spend her time hiding with some other animal-people like her, with the exception that she never looked part animal. This are the hair color origins. While lab testing, they needed to make sure the genes got actually changed. A solution to this was to add a gen to change hair color while also adding the ones needed for testing. By the time Charlie got to war he managed to get rid of everything but the blue hair, which will always hunt him, tauntingly. While hiding from the killer robots on a shady afternoonn, she was met face to face with K.A.T.T. (i also have to write this one..) discovering it wasn't just another mindless robot, but actually held feelings. So Charlie managed to talk it out of it's killing being.
He is more than a Character to me, he's my creativity. Everything started thanks to her. So, I had to reward them. I thought it would be fun if he was sentient, if she knew she was just some drawings, a concept, if he knew all the different histories he had, if they were conscious all their friends were nothing but my imagination, none were or are real, not even himself. But what's being real? Isn't it being conscious?